Privacy Policy

This Notice of Privacy Practices provides information about how Maine School Solutions may use and disclose client Protected Health Information (PHI). The Notice describes your rights as a client or their authorized representative.

Allowable Disclosures:

Maine School Solutions is permitted under HIPAA Rules to share your PHI for purposes of:

  • For treatment: to manage and coordinate treatment and ensure continuity of care;
  • For payment: to bill for services, including releasing information about your diagnosis, treatment, and services to your insurance company;
  • For health care operations: to maintain business operations, including tracking service delivery, assessing service quality, staff education and training, and recordkeeping;
  • Your records will be available to Maine School Solutions staff on a need-to-know basis. The organization’s quality improvement staff reviews client records to ensure compliance with agency recordkeeping policies. Maine School Solutions staff may use your information to contact you for appointment reminders or share other important information;
  • Business associates of Maine School Solutions that perform services related to treatment, payment or health care operations may also have access to your information solely for the purpose of providing such services. Business associates must agree, in writing, to maintain the confidentiality of such information. Business associates must also comply with applicable security practices required by law.

Required Disclosures:

Maine School Solutions is legally required to disclose PHI in certain circumstances and may do so without first securing your permission. Examples include:

  • When required by state or federal law (including public health activities such as reporting on or preventing certain diseases).
  • When necessary, to prevent or lessen a serious or imminent threat to the client or others.
  • To report child, elderly, or incapacitated person abuse or neglect.
  • For disaster relief purposes, such as to notify family about the client’s whereabouts and condition.
  • When required by state and federal agencies to determine our compliance with requirements.
  • In connection with Workers’ Compensation claims.
  • To comply with a valid court order, subpoena, or other allowable legal request.
  • In emergency situations in which you are unable to indicate your preference, we may need to share information about you with other individuals or organizations to coordinate your care or notify your family.
  • For research in situations where PHI will not be disclosed in an identifiable manner.
  • To cooperate with conduct of national security intelligence activities

Maine School Solutions will not disclose your private health information without your written consent except as described in the sections above.

Maine School Solutions’ Responsibilities:

• To protect and maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information.
• Notify you promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or security of your information.
• Follow the duties and privacy practices described in this notice.
• Provide a copy of this notice to you.
• Maine School Solutions reserves the right to change our privacy practices. If our privacy practices change, the revised notice will be accessible on the agency website (, posted at agency offices, and available upon request from agency staff.

Your rights relative to confidentiality of your private health information:

• Request restrictions on the use and disclosure of your information. Maine School Solutions will honor all reasonable requests. If you pay for a service in full, you can request that Maine School Solutions not share information for the purpose of payment with your health insurer, unless a law requires us to do so.
• Receive communications from Maine School Solutions in a confidential manner. You may elect to allow communication via email, texting, or message left on a voicemail system. You may elect to receive mail in a plain envelope rather than one with Maine School Solutions identified in the return address. Maine School Solutions will honor all such reasonable requests. 
• Receive a list (accounting) of unauthorized disclosures of your information for six years prior to the date of your request. To receive such an accounting, please contact Maine School Solutions at the address given below. One accounting is provided free of charge every 12 months, but there may be a reasonable charge if you ask for another one within 12 months.
• Request and authorize that your information be sent to other health care providers, agencies, or other persons. You may revoke this authorization at any time through verbal or written request, except to the extent that information has been disclosed based upon the previous authorization.
• Review and/or receive a copy of your information, with some exceptions noted in our “Client Confidentiality” policy. If you wish to do so, we will provide you or others you select an opportunity to review your record within three (3) working days of such a request. There is no charge for copying costs for records provided to service recipients or guardians.
• Request to amend your information. If you wish to do so, please submit the proposed amendment in writing to your worker or clinician. If approved, he/she will ensure your amended information is added to the record. If we make any written response to your amended information, you will be given a copy. If your request is declined, a written explanation of the reasons will be provided within 30 days.
• Receive a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices upon request. This notice may be revised, and the revised notice will be accessible on the agency website (, posted at agency offices, and available upon request from agency staff.
• Choose someone to act for you in exercising your rights. For example, if you have a legal guardian, medical power of attorney, or Supported Decision-Making agreement the designated person can make choices about sharing your protected health information. Maine School Solutions will make sure the person has this authority before we take any action in this regard.
• File a complaint to Maine School Solutions, the state Dept. of Health & Human Services, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services if you believe your privacy rights have been violated (see contact information, below).
• Be free from any form of retaliation by a Maine School Solutions staff for filing a complaint or grievance. If you believe retaliation is occurring, please report this to Maine School Solutions’ HIPAA Compliance Officer.

Resources for Additional Information about Protection of Health Information:

MSS HIPAA Compliance Officer: Brad Pierce
169 Academy Road, Monmouth, ME 04259, Phone: (207) 933-8430

Disability Rights Maine (DRME)
160 Capitol Street, Suite 4
Augusta, ME 04330

ME Dept. of Health & Human Services
109 Capitol St., 11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333 (207)287-3707
https://[email protected]

Federal Office for Civil Rights
US Dept. of Health & Human Services

200 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C. 20201 (877)696-6775
Filing a HIPAA Complaint |